SugarByHalf weekly news wrap: 1-6 May

Here's our regular curation of the top content about sugar we've seen this week.

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'Just six spoonfuls of sugar'

Irish influencers and bloggers warned to stop promoting fake health foods

The 5 lifestyle habits that could add a decade to your life

Close call on healthy drink choice for kids' meals

8 simple ways to curb your sugar cravings

Diet to delay menopause, eat fish and fresh legumes, avoid pasta and rise

Sugar Wrinkles: A special report


Barnsley bans sugary drinks in 'sugar-free borough' bid

Renewed calls for sugar tax following damning report on kids' tooth decay

Dental decay in Kiwi kids 'disease of poverty', says University of Otago

Study finds link between sugar and memory loss


Jamie Oliver says more tax is not way to cut childhood obesity

Sweet power: the politics of sugar, sugary drinks and poor nutrition in Australia

Why Fear of 'Sugar Addiction' May Be More Toxic Than Sugar Is

Jamie Oliver SLAMS obesity crisis and demands renewed efforts


Maple, honey producers not sweet on added sugars label

The sugar industry's influence on policy

How big brands are helping consumers shift to healthier eating options

New Zealand gets first taste of Coca-Cola's new recipe

Sugar tax

Hong Kong health officials consider sugar tax to cure city of its bad health habits

Sugar tax is a step in the right direction

Soft drinks will have hard time with sugar tax

No plans for Australian tax on sugary drinks, says Labor health spokeswoman Catherine King

Sugar tax is no cure for obesity

Sugar Drink Tax may Fund Fight against Childhood Obesity

Sugar, fat and junk nibbles on the Hugh and Jamie show

Don't tax sugar, tax these foods

Hopes sugar tax will go a long way to combat obesity – but money raised from levy should be used to tackle problem

'Health-promoting' sugar tax won't stop consumers, says tax consultant

Revamping soda tax could add millions to state budget, report finds