SugarByHalf weekly media wrap 10-16 July

Here's our regular curation of the top content about sugar we've seen this week.

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Children eat five times more sugar during summer holidays, study finds

14 'diet' foods that seem healthy but actually aren't

Ask The Gentle Dentist: Sugary drinks & your smile

Diet soda can still trigger weight gain

Everything you need to know about quitting sugar, according to Tiff Hall

Are Smoothie Bowls Actually Healthy? Here's What The Experts Say.



Energy drinks peril for young

On My Mind: Sugar and mental health

Is Full-Fat Dairy Unhealthy? Study Finds No Heart Health Risks

Stomach bloating: You should try eating fewer sugars and sweeteners

Experts: Too much diet soda could lead to weight gain, bad heart health

The facts about sugar and cancer


The Sugardemic

'Anti-sugar man' joins Health Minister David Clark's team

Health concerns, production boom makes sugar bitter in India, abroad

Obesity inevitable as report shows Kiwis surrounded by junk food



The World Is Dealing With a Massive Sugar Glut

Global Brown Sugar Market Is Expected To Grow

India launches voluntary push with industry to cut sugar, salt

FAO's global food snapshot: Record sugar production, trade spat ...

Don't Fall for Pepsi's Sugar High



Would seeing 16 teaspoons of sugar stop you buying that soft drink?

Food labels to state how many teaspoons of sugar per serve


Sugar Tax

WA Government calls for sugary drinks tax

Acting PM – the Govt's evidence-based voice on sugar tax

Nanny state activists' sugar tax won't fix the flab