Sugarbyhalf media watch 7-13 August

Here's our regular curation of the top content about sugar we've seen this week.

Find this useful? Follow us on Twitter where we will share this weekly digest of sugar in the news.


Here's how long you have to cut back on sugar to actually see results

You can improve your health in 2 weeks by cutting back on sugar

Be on the lookout for these sugar-rich foods

Blame your faulty taste buds for your sugar addiction

You Can Eat to Beat Diabetes

Is 'healthy' chocolate really good for you?



A danger to public health? Uproar as scientist urges us to eat more salt

Lose up to 14 pounds a year by cutting back on soda, new report says

Ditching THIS sugar in fizzy drinks 'can combat obesity, fatty liver disease

Sugar reduction can lead to improvement in health of overweight children and adults

Sugar link disputed

Study: diet soda can really mess with your metabolism

Obesity Becomes Main Health Focus in Japan


The Sugardemic

Upmarket cereal brands ignore sugar content warnings

'Scandalous' lack of sugar warnings on cereals

Type 2 diabetes rise in children 'disturbing'

Sweet multi-buys trigger sugar warning

Sour taste of sugar buzz

The sugaring of the fluffy

 Is sugar killing us? Author Gary Taubes makes his case



Report: Declines in sugar consumption could sour the industry

Nestle to reduce sugar and salt content in its products by 2020


Sugar tax

Sugar taxes likely here to stay

Can 'Sin Taxes' Solve America's Obesity Problem?