Sugarbyhalf media watch 24-30 July

Here's our regular curation of the top content about sugar we've seen this week.

Find this useful? Follow us on Twitter where we will share this weekly digest of sugar in the news.


How sugar could be making you sad

How to limit the effect of sugar on children's teeth

The Health Star Rating is tricking you – here's how

Healthy Living: Your Body Without Sugar

Is Your Diet Making You Depressed?

'Diet Foods' to Skip

Restaurant chains are quietly pushing sugar on your kids

What to Eat to Boost Your Mood

Do you know how much sugar is in tomato sauce? 

You know soft drinks are bad for you. Kick the habit with these tips

Parents struggle to control children's sugar intake over the holidays



High Sugar Intake Linked To Mental Health Disorders In Men

Too much sugar could increase depression risk in men

Cancer and sugar: Does changing your diet starve cancerous cells?

Calls for added sugars to be used in Health Star Rating calculations

Does Sugar Make You Fat? It Sure Does – Here's How

The Not-So-Sweet Side-Effects of Artificial Sugars

Why Your Sperm Count May Be Lower Than You Think

Dentists support councils introducing sweetened drinks policies


The Sugardemic

Most packaged foods contain added sugar – research

Consumers should be skeptical about sugar labels


Coca-Cola's earnings, sales top Wall Street expectations

Heinz 'healthy' toddler snack full of sugar, court hears

Coke banishes Coke Zero, introduces Coke Zero Sugar

Sugar tax

Sugar tax 'must not be used to plug school budgets'

Cook County soda tax to start Wednesday