Sugarbyhalf media watch 21-27 August

Here's our regular curation of the top content about sugar we've seen this week.

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Mindful coffee consumption may help reduce sugar intake

Are you SURE you want a soda with that? 

Treat yourself to some healthysugar-free goodness to satisfy your cravings

It's Time to Break Up With Sugar

How To Stop Adding Sugar To Your Coffee

These Breakfast Foods Are Destroying Your Health — Avoid Them

Is 'healthy' snacking making you fat?



Goodbye, gummies? Fruit snacks are losing their place in lunchboxes

Sugar 'is as addictive as cocaine': View all

Toowoomba Hospital cans sugary soft drinks

Added Sugars Damage Mental Health

How sugar affects your mental health

Reducing sugar in your child's diet

The obesity crisis: a healthy population needs a healthy environment

Low-sugar drinks alone won't help if not combined with other diet choices



Excessive sugar a recipe for unhealthy lifestyle


Coca-Cola profits dive as Australians favour health and variety

Singapore's teaming up with soda companies to limit sugar

The Sugar Story: A Spoonful Of Addiction Makes The Profits Go Up?

Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and Nestlé to limit sugar in Singapore drinks


Sugar tax

Sugar tax key to beat the bulge: Oliver

Senate to consider sugar tax changes

Sugar And Spite: Big Cities Taxes On Beverages Irking Big Soda

Healthiest products should be tariff-free post Brexit, says Sugarwise