Sugarbyhalf media watch 10-16 July

Here's our regular curation of the top content about sugar we've seen this week.

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Juicing? You're just drinking sugar

Does your food have more sugar than you think it does?

Mindfulness May Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Sugar triggers diabetes and eating after 8pm makes you fat

Reset Your Taste Buds for Less Sugar

Supermarket receipts could soon rate how healthy your shopping is 

Is chocolate heart-healthy?

Are sports drinks healthy for kids? Better check sugar content



Mother's soda intake during pregnancy tied to child's obesity risk

How Sugar Really Affects Your Cholesterol

Eating a Little Bit Healthier Helps You Live Longer

Sweet treats: How sugar consumption affects health

Mothers-to-be should not eat sugary food

Sugary drinks in pregnancy can lead to weight woes in childhood 

Dr Judith Killen: Impact of sugar on par with cigarettes


The Sugardemic 

The Truth About Sugar

'We're losing more people to the sweets than to the streets'

Your child is obese — now what can you do about it?

Sugar is poison. My heart attack has finally opened my eyes to the truth

Trump administration delays release of food labels showing added sugar

Health buffs support anti-sugar consumption proposed legislation



Trump's New CDC Pick Boosts Agency's Ties To Coca Cola

Coca-Cola gets served a lawsuit by 2 pastors 

Canadian study suggests link between NAFTA, more sugar in nation's diet


Sugar Tax

Why a sugar tax could be good for businesses

Discover the implications of introducing a sugar tax

Excise tax on sugary drinks to protect poor from ailments, says DOF

Corcoran Kennedy: 'We need a tax on sugary drinks'