SugarByHalf news wrap: 19-25 March

Here's our regular curation of the top content about sugar we've seen this week.

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A blueberry muffin 'could have day's worth of sugar'

12 'healthy' foods and drinks that contain more sugar than a candy bar

10 foods and drinks that make dentists wary

This Common Breakfast Option Has A Day's Worth Of Sugar In It

Sugar-free alternatives could be making us just as fat



Yes, too much sugar is bad for our health – here's what the science says...

Sugary drinks increase risk of dying prematurely from heart disease

Reality check: Do you really need to cut out sugar to improve your health

Fruit juice ban for ads aimed at children in sugar crackdown

Fruit juice: healthy or not?

Health Canada considering new rules for highly sweetened alcoholic drinks

Two sodas a day DOUBLE the risk of heart disease, study warns

Never mind saturates it's sugar we need to worry about

Can Too Much Sugar Cause a Deficiency of Micronutrients?



Child obesity: How children lost the war on weight

How Sweet It Isn't: The War On Sugar



Australia court rules Heinz 'healthy' toddler food misleading

Learn from Heinz ruling: obesity group

Court finds Heinz 'healthy' toddler snacks misleading

Hidden health risks in sugary breakfast cereals

Coca Cola to SOAR in price from THIS date – and it is DAYS away


Sugar tax

Berkeley's sugar tax saves school gardens and launches 'health parties'

The British soda tax might work better than other soda taxes

Why the British soda tax might work better than Philadelphia's

Sugar tax: The fight against sugar is just beginning